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F: Black Walnut

Juglans nigra

What do you notice about the area around this tree? Read on to discover why no other plants are growing near this impressive Black Walnut.


A scarce native tree prized for its fine, straight-grained wood, the Black Walnut is also a source of food for many wildlife species. This tree is shade intolerant, and does not thrive in the understory. In order to prevent competition for light from faster-growing plants, this tree releases a chemical (juglone) from its roots which acts as a natural herbicide, killing other plants which might sprout around it. Squirrels and birds eat the walnuts themselves, while deer, mice, and rabbits browse on buds and young tree stems.


The Black Walnut has compound leaves, typically with 10-24 oval-shaped leaflets. Its bark is brown with a rough, furrowed diamond pattern.

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